Monday, December 8, 2014

My heart and the clinking sounds in my chest

I hate to tell you this
But I am broken

I'm not who I wish I was

And I've tried to piece my heart together
But it just won't work

Because there are too many 
pieces missing 

And I'm done wasting time

Because those flimsy scotch tape lies
Won't fix anything

Because I'm breaking more each day
And I'm running out of lies to tell

My roll of tape is empty
And I'm done hiding

I'm done being ok
And I'm done being perfect

Because I swear 
That's all that people see

But I toss and turn at night
And nothing feels right

Because the pieces of my heart
Make clinking sounds as I move

And my mind is so tired

It forgets to pretend to be ok


  1. Feelings. Feelings. feelings. So creative the clicking sound your heart makes. That last line. Beautiful.
