Monday, March 9, 2015


I have never liked socks

If I don't wear shoes 
I'm not wearing socks

I do not sleep with socks on
And I do not know how it would even work

If you sleep with your socks on
It's likely I will never fully understand you 

My socks never match
Because I stopped caring 
about taking the time 
to make them do so

Socks were never my thing 
Because they wore out too fast

Turn black upon the first step outside

And the feeling of worn out thick socks 
on calloused feet was like 
wearing a coat inside 
an uncomfortably hot room 

I never liked their texture

Or the line over the toes where they are stitched up

I would cry when I was younger because the line was on the wrong part of my foot when I put shoes on

And my poor mother would have to untie my shoes take them off straighten my socks and start all over. But it never sit just right.

When I got older I'm convinced 
my parents bought me socks two sizes too big 
And the end always flopped over 
And my dad always said 
I had a smurf hat on the end of my toes

And maybe 
that was my mother's response 
to my strong hate 
for the line across the toes of my socks
Maybe that would stop it from touching me
And keep it out of mind 

And maybe it worked 
because eventually I grew into those socks 
And eventually I learned to live with it

And now I have lost almost all the matches to my socks 
or have been forced to throw them away 
due to the fact that they were full of holes

And even when I see a matching pair 
Right in front of me 
something makes me 
pick up only one of them
And then dig to find another

I think I gave up on perfection
The moment I learned to live 
with the lines 
across the toes 
of my socks

photography by ~me
socks and shoes owned by ~me
feet~not mine

i'm taking this chance to thank my mom because she posed for this for like 10 minutes and that is a long time to stand still.


  1. Dude. I have to sleep with socks on or I can't fall asleep:( but idk maybe I'll try it sometime. This was great. Love the shoes as well.

  2. I always wear socks and tuck my pants into them so they don't leave bare legs when I sleep. I guess you never understand me haha.

    Great photos though! I was hoping you took them. I love the things you write about by the way. Always new.

  3. I loved the line about not being able to understand someone.

    Sweet converse.

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