Monday, April 13, 2015

Stone garden

Once I stumbled upon a stone garden

I hoped there would be more 
But there were only sad people
Reading sad names
And making sad faces

There were words Etched into stone 
In sad spots 
and sad places

Some of them had fought in a war
Where as others 
just couldn't take it anymore

Some never managed to be accepted
And others appeared as if they were only here to be tested

Some stones had cradles 
And rocking horses 
Stamped in them
Buried by there parents 
who only wished
They could still tap morse code to them as they slumbered in their bellies
Because that was all they got.

I wandered for a bit
But didn't stay for long

Because one day 
I'll have my own garden
And I can't imagine what words
will find their way
Into my stone

And to be honest
I'm afraid 

Afraid no words will find their way
And all I'll ever be is a blank slate

My mother said she wants to be cremated
But I promised her 
either way she will be under the dirt
And I will find her a stone
And I will carve in words

Because people were made
To be remembered.


  1. I am so lucky to have been in your group! I love this and think you have done fantastic things with it Mallary.

  2. this is amazing. "because people were made to be remembered." lovedddd this post
