Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Let's be teenagers

Let's be teenagers
Just for a day

Let's be teenagers
After all that's what we were born to be
At least for a couple years

From the moment 
we could say our parents names
They were already contemplating
How we would be in our terrible teens

So let's be teenagers

I don't mean to go get arrested 
Or smoke pot
Or do anything of the illegal sort

I mean 

Let's take a break from all this pressure
Let's watch a movie and eat ice cream
(Because popcorn is too mainstream)

Let's sit in the grass and look at the stars
Instead of cleaning our rooms
Or studying for tests

Let's talk about our futures
And joke about how tough it will be
Because I don't want to really think about
Where I'm going after high school

Because let's face it 
My parents think my plans are their plans
And they can't possibly imagine 
That I want to be independent 
And realistic
And work for myself

So let's be teenagers
So I can pretend my problems don't exist
And eat the food you make
Because (Not to be sexist but) 
your an amazing cook

I've got a jacked up neck 
And I've got chronic dehydration
Because there's no time left to drink
And I feel like it will never end

So let's be teenagers
Let's text until midnight 
And say I love you
Even though my parents probably think that's sh*t

let's be teenagers
And listen to hard rock 
Because my parents 
don't get a say in that

I don't mean to rebel
Especially because most of these things are hardly rebelling

I just want to take a day 
To be a teenager

With you


  1. My parents think my plans are their plans
    And they can't possibly imagine
    That I want to be independent
    And realistic
    And work for myself

    This was awesome.

  2. I really really like this post.

  3. This post speaks to me on so many levels
