Sunday, October 5, 2014

i guess i can draw instead or writing a love letter

i like to draw
but i've never been that good
i know if i say i suck at it someone will get offended because their worse
and if i say i'm good someone will laugh at how  much i could improve
so for the sake of agreement i will say im "ok" at drawing
my brother taught me how to draw
i guess you could say taught by example
because there were never any actual tips or pointers given
i failed an ap test for art
and sometimes that makes me not want to draw any more
but here it is something i drew today
so obviously i haven't given up just yet
and you are probably the reason
first you made me believe in myself to the end
and now you are making my blog into a continuous love letter eternally addressed to you
that makes me happy
even though everyone else is probably sick of me being sappy
so heres something different


  1. Woah amazing drawing! I admire people who can draw. It's something that I wish I could do.

  2. you are making my blog into a continuous love letter eternally addressed to you

    also, keep doing what you love.

    that's all.

  3. ^same same. Couldn't have said it any better!!
    And I'm stealing that line too cause it is great.

  4. I third what Jane Addams said. Love this post.

  5. I failed an ap test and that makes me not want to draw anymore.

    It's nice to here successes of others but refreshing to hear their failures too. I like this and your picture.
