My mom was the woman
who grew up so fast
she forgot to do the growing
The teen who loved the rebel life
But never really took part in it
The girl that beat up the boys on the playground
And never wanted to date anyone
Now she's the woman
who was abandoned
Now Never truly appreciated
And never truly done
because she
has passed elementary school
and middle school
twice now
And she has her son's graduation to prove it
She runs her daughter to work every day
And convinces her to actually buy clothing
Instead of always getting rid of it
She also happens to be
the part time therapist
Of her mother in law
Who lives in her basement
She is a motivational speaker
To her 20 year old son
Who could be so much more
And she never stopped trying
because she doesn't want to let go
And even though
I may disagree with her
from time to time
I will always respect her
for how far she's come
And for never giving up
And I owe her this
This is beautiful.