I am Casper Wyatt
I am
I am afraid
But I'm also fearless
I am the girl who wishes she were a ghost
But is also afraid that's all she'll ever be
I am the girl who had a mental and emotional breakdown
after the death of her dog.
And still never shuts up about it
I am the girl who can never seem
to give people a strait answer
Not even on day one
So here's another puzzle
I am the girl who sings along to songs at midnight
and cries as the lyrics turn to prayers
I am the girl who acts like a guy
Playing sports and video games
and wearing her brothers hand-me-downs out of choice
I am the girl with 4 brothers
and 2 sisters I almost never hear from
I am the girl who wanted to believe
From the very beginning
After a short while I could tell
that Santa and the tooth fairy
and wishing on dandelions
and birthday candles were all a lie
But I wanted something to believe in
So I tied the blindfold myself
tied it so tight
my eyelids couldn't even flicker open
But like all things
one day it had to be removed
On the day my father left
But I still want to believe
So I'll still wish on the moon and stars
As I murmur the broken melody of my choral bible
I'm the girl with a police officer as a dad
And another one for a step father
I'm the girl held together by duct tape
And if you really want to know who I am
You'll have to follow this puzzle until the end
Line 7 letter 18
Line 9 letter 21
Line 10 letter 10
Line 14 letter 10
Line 16 letter 14
Line 17 letter 11
Line 22 letter 11
Line 27 letter 19
Line 32 letter 5
Line 32 letter 16
Line 33 letter 6
Line 35 letter 12
Line 38 letter 20
Line 41 letter 9
i'd also like to thank everyone for reading and posting this semester has been amazing
heres a special thanks to some people who have supported my blog by commenting (which was the awesomest thing ever)
jane adams
charli davis
flat stanley
jane q porter
charlotte rose
timothy kelly
Everet mills
carina cooper
luna lovegood
diane arbus
polly baker
alice s blackwell
navy skye
joan le pucelle
alec webb
sgt pepper
malcolm carter
douglas malloch
thank you all for your support