Let me tell you something about my parents
Let me tell you something about divorced parents
Let me tell you
About how no house is really home anymore
And when you hear yourself say
I’m going home
You have to ask yourself
If you will ever stop driving
Let me tell you
About how loving your parents doesn’t always mean
Together or at the same time
Or even in the same way
Let me tell you
About how going home doesn’t always mean the same place
And sometimes you say it
As you are both headed to different buildings
And how your heart aches
How you wish it wasn’t that way
How it feels like you are currently tied together
And with each step the tugging feeling gets worse
And how that
Makes you cherish your relationship that much more
Let me tell you the difference
Between having loving parents
And having loving parents
Because my parents are so solely devoted to me
So devoted to the time I spend with them
So devoted to the patch work quilt family
And on some days it may feel like my heart is being ripped
in half
But on other days
It feels more like there is more than one heart
Beating in my chest
And those are the good days
I have never been so loved by total strangers
I believe you call them
Step parents
And step siblings
But let me tell you
With all the pain of a divorce
All the disagreements
All the terrible days
All the off days
All the bad days
I still cannot look all of you in the eyes and say
I have it worse off than you
Because I wasn’t in foster care
Torn from one place to the next
I wasn’t unloved
I wasn’t abused
I wasn’t forgotten
I have so many siblings now I don’t even dare
To try and count them
But I know them all by name
I know them all by heart
I know them all
And they know me
Let me tell you something about being a child of divorced
I will always be better at resolving issues
I will never be greedy
In fact I will never ask for anything
Because who would I ask
You ask your mom
She says to ask your dad
So You do
And He says to ask your mom
But you don’t know how to tell them
That you don’t really need it
You never really needed it
You just need to feel loved
So can we all just forget I asked
Slowly your forget how to ask
You forget that anything other than
Oxygen and love is needed
Let me tell you something about growing up around divorce
Your life is about learning to love
About how to make the perfect quilt
About how to thread a needle with red thread
And how to make sure you stitch all the pieces of fabric
together just right