I really. The book
"You don't know me"
By David klass
And I absolutely loved it
The way it was written with metaphors and lies in the same sentences and intermingling and contradicting made it a fun book to pick apart. It really tested me in paying attention instead of a fluffy book you can just drift through it made me think. I loved that even though it was a depressing book it had a good ending even though it wasn't a happy ending the endig was happy. I liked that the main guy had to learn through experience that the popular prissy chick who ha never spoken to him before and only talks about clothing and people she hates is not a good friend let alone love I treat and that another girl takes over and becomes friends with him leaving it with a warm feel and that the end wrapped up the message conveyed throughout the whole book and made it make sense for those who were confused or were assumig as to what it mean and who he wrote the book to and why.
This book is amazing and short I would recomend it to anyone willing to pick through it and she's a tear along the way. It's more of a book for guys but the feeling at the end with the other girl gives it a romance feel that girls would like and if you like interesting books like this regardless of gender or just want to try something new I highly recommend it.
Although the cover drives many away if you can read the first chapter and find it interesting you will enjoy it (although the second and third chapters may seem pretty dry it picks up)